The world is convinced that Roman Catholicism is Christianity. Yet when one examines the Bible—even the Roman Catholic Bible—one soon discovers the obvious difference, and the many distinct contradictions that exist between Roman Catholicism and true Biblical Christianity. This difference reveals Roman Catholicism as nothing but old paganism clothed in Christian veneer.
This illustrated booklet will show further pagan connections to Roman Catholicism apart from those already disclosed in the seven booklets preceding it.
These seven booklets show conclusively the pagan origin of many Roman Catholic teachings and practices, such as the Rosary, Purgatory, Baptism, Confession, Mary, the Mass and the Roman Catholic ‘way to Salvation.’
If you have read the other booklets in this series, you have already been made aware of the fact that there are many and varied ties between Roman Catholicism and paganism. We have established that the mixing of Christianity and paganism is strictly forbidden by God and is an abomination to Him, and therefore should be so to everyone who professes to be Christian.
We have shown that the official footnotes in the Roman Catholic Bible—from which we have quoted throughout this series—to 2 Corinthians 6:14-16a, also condemns this vile mixture, with the words: "...Christianity is NOT compatible with paganism."
Yet in saying this, the Roman Catholic Church condemns herself, as we have proven repeatedly in this series of booklets and will demonstrate in this final booklet, for Roman Catholicism has sustained the traditions, teachings, rites and practices of some of the darkest elements of satanically inspired paganism!
"One finds every shade of New Age, Occult, and mystical belief inside the Roman Catholic Church...‘Catholic World’ had an entire issue affirming the New Age movement, without a word of condemnation or correction (May/June 1989). Thousands of priests and nuns practice Yoga and other forms of Hindu or Buddhist mysticism. (Roman) Catholic schools across the country, once looked upon as bastions of sound education, are as permeated with occult and New Age methods as are the public schools....(Roman) Catholic retreat centers around the world mix ‘Christianity’ with Hinduism, Buddhism, and all manner of New Age beliefs and practices....The entire May/June issue of ‘Catholic World’ was devoted to Buddhism. The articles were all sympathetic, including favorable quotes from the Pope" (‘A Woman Rides The Beast’, pp.420-421).
A close friend of Pope John Paul II is the Dalai Lama, who is the leader of the world’s Buddhists. Buddhism is an avowed enemy of Christianity and has sworn to see her destruction and banishment from this earth. (See Pope John Paul II pictured with the Dalai Lama on the video ‘Roman Catholicism’. )

The Dalai Lama does not believe that Jesus Christ is God and that He died to atone for the sins of His people. Also denied are many other fundamental Christian doctrines. So what is the Pope, the alleged leader of the Christian Church, doing mixing with people such as the Dalai Lama and calling him a close friend?
Included on the video, ‘Roman Catholicism’, is footage of a prayer gathering in Assisi, Italy 1986, where leaders from 160 religions met to pray to God for world peace. Among them are serpent worshippers, fire worshippers, Buddhists, Muslims, Spiritists, Hindus and Animists. Pope John Paul II announced: "We are all praying to the one God", yet they all believe in a different god, and certainly not in the Lord Jesus Christ as the One, true and only God.

Ecumenism, in essence, has no place for the one true and only God, for it caters to every false god and lends credibility to every false belief imaginable. It is the resurrection of Babylonianism.
Roman Catholicism’s involvement in this anti-christian movement is firmly entrenched. Whilst addressing the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland, Pope John Paul II declared: "From the beginning of my ministry as bishop of Rome, I have insisted that the engagement of the Catholic Church in the Ecumenical movement is irreversible" (‘The Fresno Bee’, June 13, 1984, p.C12).
Below, we see a photograph of the Pope shaking hands with a voodoo chief. Voodoo is the religion of many African countries. It includes religious rites and ceremonies, which contain much dancing. These dances, which can go on for days on end, are performed in order to invoke demon spirits and to invite possession to take place by those spirits. It is a vile and anti-christian religion. The Voodoo religion in Haiti sees every ceremony commence with Roman Catholic prayers. There is a saying: Haiti is 85% Roman Catholic and 110% Voodoo!

But for the Pope of Rome, all this means little. During this visit to Africa, where wild and frenetic dancing was performed in his presence by young girls in an effort to induce a trance state, the Pope told the followers of Voodoo that they would not be betraying their ancestors if they became Roman Catholic! And he was right— Christianity is not compatible with paganism, but Roman Catholicism certainly is.
What has a heathen religion like voodoo got to do with the purity and simplicity of the true Christian faith? And why would the Pope say such a thing to the followers of Voodoo; that they would not be betraying their Voodoo practicing ancestors if they became Roman Catholics, when the Roman Catholic Bible footnotes clearly state that Christianity is not compatible with paganism? The Roman Catholic Bible asks: "...what fellowship does light have with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14).
The Roman Catholic Bible states: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and also the cup of demons"
(1 Corinthians 10:21). Could you honestly imagine Jesus Christ saying to a follower of Voodoo that they would not be betraying their demon-worshipping ancestors if they became Christians?
The so-called Greek Cross is not a Christian symbol but finds its origins in paganism. This cross, widely worshipped and regarded as a sacred emblem, was the unequivocal symbol of Bacchus, the false Babylonian messiah.
He is here represented with a headband covered with the so-called Greek crosses. This symbol was used long before the commencement of Christianity.

Why, then, do we see such a pagan emblem as the Greek Cross on the garments of the Roman Catholic Pope? (see page 7). Why does such an emblem, which adorned the Babylonian god Bacchus known as the god of revelry and drunkenness, adorn the clothing of Roman Catholic popes and priests? (See the video ‘Roman Catholicism’ for further evidence). Again, we see irrefutable evidence linking Roman Catholicism with paganism.

The broken cross is another emblem of Roman Catholicism that has an extremely dark history. Pictured below, we see the current Pope, John Paul II, displaying this most sinister symbol.

The bent cross, or broken cross as it is known, has on it a distorted figure of Christ. The broken Cross was in fact invented by satanists in the fifth century, and was used by black magicians and sorcerers in the Middle Ages to represent the Biblical term ‘mark of the beast’.
Few present-day Roman Catholics are aware of the meaning of this symbol, which was brought into use again by Pope Paul VI as part of his policy.
This information comes to you, not from an anti-Catholic source, but from a book entitled, ‘The Broken Cross’, written by Piers Compton, who is a concerned Roman Catholic – concerned at what is happening to his Church. His book is an exposé of secret forces working within the Roman Catholic Church. (This book is obtainable from this author.)
What on earth is the Pope doing with such an anti-christian symbol as the broken cross, which was invented by satanists and used by black magicians and sorcerers?
The obelisk has been a part of pagan worship from the days of antiquity. Diodorus spoke of an obelisk 130 feet high, which was erected by Queen Semiramis in Babylon. Obelisks have played a large part in the worship of Egypt. Many of these Egyptian obelisks remain in Egypt, but some were transported to other nations—one is in Central Park in New York, another in London, while another was transported to St. Peter’s Square in Rome!
Originally, the obelisk was associated with sun worship. Pagans believed that the obelisk also had a sexual significance. Realizing that through sexual union life was produced, the phallus was considered, along with the sun, a symbol of life. These were beliefs represented by the obelisk. The word ‘images’ in the Bible is translated from several different Hebrew words. One of these words ‘matzebah’, means ‘standing images’ or ‘obelisks’.
Another word is ‘hammanim’ which means ‘sun images’, images that were dedicated to the sun, or obelisks. In order for the obelisk to carry out its intended symbolism, it was placed upright—erect. Thus the obelisk pointed up toward the sun.
Placing the obelisk at the entrance of a pagan temple was not an uncommon practice. One obelisk stood at the entrance to the temple of Tum and another in front of the temple of Hathor, the ‘abode of Horus’, the hawk-headed god of Egypt.
Curiously, there is also an obelisk at the entrance to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome! This obelisk is not a mere copy of a genuine Egyptian obelisk, it is the very same obelisk that stood in Egypt in ancient times! When the mystery religion came to Rome in pagan days, not only were obelisks made and erected at Rome, but obelisks from Egypt—at great expense—were hauled there and erected by the emperors.

Caligula, in 37-41 A.D., had the obelisk now at the Vatican, brought from Heliopolis in Egypt to the circus on the Vatican hill, where now stands St. Peter’s. This is plain, verifiable fact. Heliopolis is the Greek name of Bethshemesh, which was the center of Egyptian sun-worship in ancient times. In the Old Testament, these obelisks of the temple of the sun in Egypt are mentioned as the "images of Bethshemesh" (Jeremiah 43:13)! Many obelisks and pyramids are scattered throught the city of Rome.
The very same obelisk that once stood at the entrance to the ancient temple of the sun, which was the center of Egyptian paganism, now stands before the mother church of Roman Catholicism! What is it doing there?

This red-granite obelisk stands 83 feet high and weighs 320 tons. It was moved to its present location in 1586 by Pope Sixtus V, who pronounced a sentence of death upon anyone responsible for the obelisk being dropped or broken.
Again, what is this undeniably pagan symbol, which has no affinity with true Christianity whatsoever, doing in St. Peter’s square? Moreover, why has it been placed at the entrance to that Basilica, precisely where the Egyptians placed their obelisks?
Why has this pagan symbol been included in the life of the Roman Catholic Church? There is no explanation other than the fact that Roman Catholicism is no less pagan and anti-christian than her heathen forbears.
In keeping with this pagan Egyptian theme, several pyramids may be seen in various parts of Rome. Below we see pictured the Pyramid of Caius Cestius, which contains the tomb of a Roman magistrate.